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← 7 8 9 →
−1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Numeral systemoctal
Divisors1, 2, 4, 8
Greek numeralΗ´
Roman numeralVIII, viii
Greek prefixocta-/oct-
Latin prefixocto-/oct-
Greekη (or Η)
Arabic, Kurdish, Persian, Sindhi, Urdu٨
Chinese numeral八,捌
ArmenianԸ ը
Babylonian numeral𒐜
Egyptian hieroglyph𓐁
Morse code_ _ _..

8 (eight) is the natural number following 7 and preceding 9.



English eight, from Old English eahta, æhta, Proto-Germanic *ahto is a direct continuation of Proto-Indo-European *oḱtṓ(w)-, and as such cognate with Greek ὀκτώ and Latin octo-, both of which stems are reflected by the English prefix oct(o)-, as in the ordinal adjective octaval or octavary, the distributive adjective is octonary. The adjective octuple (Latin octu-plus) may also be used as a noun, meaning "a set of eight items"; the diminutive octuplet is mostly used to refer to eight siblings delivered in one birth.

The Semitic numeral is based on a root *θmn-, whence Akkadian smn-, Arabic ṯmn-, Hebrew šmn- etc. The Chinese numeral, written (Mandarin: ; Cantonese: baat), is from Old Chinese *priāt-, ultimately from Sino-Tibetan b-r-gyat or b-g-ryat which also yielded Tibetan brgyat.

It has been argued that, as the cardinal number 7 is the highest number of items that can universally be cognitively processed as a single set, the etymology of the numeral eight might be the first to be considered composite, either as "twice four" or as "two short of ten", or similar. The Turkic words for "eight" are from a Proto-Turkic stem *sekiz, which has been suggested as originating as a negation of eki "two", as in "without two fingers" (i.e., "two short of ten; two fingers are not being held up");[1] this same principle is found in Finnic *kakte-ksa, which conveys a meaning of "two before (ten)". The Proto-Indo-European reconstruction *oḱtṓ(w)- itself has been argued as representing an old dual, which would correspond to an original meaning of "twice four". Proponents of this "quaternary hypothesis" adduce the numeral 9, which might be built on the stem new-, meaning "new" (indicating the beginning of a "new set of numerals" after having counted to eight).[2]

Evolution of the Arabic digit

Evolution of the numeral 8 from the Brahmi numerals to the Arabic numerals

The modern digit 8, like all modern Arabic numerals other than zero, originates with the Brahmi numerals. The Brahmi digit for eight by the 1st century was written in one stroke as a curve └┐ looking like an uppercase H with the bottom half of the left line and the upper half of the right line removed. However, the digit for eight used in India in the early centuries of the Common Era developed considerable graphic variation, and in some cases took the shape of a single wedge, which was adopted into the Perso-Arabic tradition as ٨ (and also gave rise to the later Devanagari form ); the alternative curved glyph also existed as a variant in Perso-Arabic tradition, where it came to look similar to our digit 5.[year needed]

The digits as used in Al-Andalus by the 10th century were a distinctive western variant of the glyphs used in the Arabic-speaking world, known as ghubār numerals (ghubār translating to "sand table"). In these digits, the line of the 5-like glyph used in Indian manuscripts for eight came to be formed in ghubār as a closed loop, which was the 8-shape that became adopted into European use in the 10th century.[3]

Just as in most modern typefaces, in typefaces with text figures the character for the digit 8 usually has an ascender, as, for example, in .

The infinity symbol ∞, described as a "sideways figure eight", is unrelated to the digit 8 in origin; it is first used (in the mathematical meaning "infinity") in the 17th century, and it may be derived from the Roman numeral for "one thousand" CIƆ, or alternatively from the final Greek letter, ω.

In Mathematics


8 is a composite number and the first number which is neither prime nor semiprime. By Mihăilescu's Theorem, it is the only nonzero perfect power that is one less than another perfect power. 8 is the first proper Leyland number of the form xy + yx, where in its case x and y both equal 2.[4] 8 is a Fibonacci number and the only nontrivial Fibonacci number that is a perfect cube.[5] Sphenic numbers always have exactly eight divisors.[6] 8 is the base of the octal number system.[7]



A polygon with eight sides is an octagon.[8] A regular octagon can fill a plane-vertex with a regular triangle and a regular icositetragon, as well as tessellate two-dimensional space alongside squares in the truncated square tiling. This tiling is one of eight Archimedean tilings that are semi-regular, or made of more than one type of regular polygon, and the only tiling that can admit a regular octagon.[9] The Ammann–Beenker tiling is a nonperiodic tesselation of prototiles that feature prominent octagonal silver eightfold symmetry, that is the two-dimensional orthographic projection of the four-dimensional 8-8 duoprism.[10]

An octahedron is a regular polyhedron with eight equilateral triangles as faces. is the dual polyhedron to the cube and one of eight convex deltahedra.[11][12] The stella octangula, or eight-pointed star, is the only stellation with octahedral symmetry. It has eight triangular faces alongside eight vertices that forms a cubic faceting, composed of two self-dual tetrahedra that makes it the simplest of five regular compounds. The cuboctahedron, on the other hand, is a rectified cube or rectified octahedron, and one of only two convex quasiregular polyhedra. It contains eight equilateral triangular faces, whose first stellation is the cube-octahedron compound.[13][14]

Vector Spaces


The octonions are a hypercomplex normed division algebra that are an extension of the complex numbers. They are a double cover of special orthogonal group SO(8). The special unitary group SO(3) has an eight-dimensional adjoint representation whose colors are ascribed gauge symmetries that represent the vectors of the eight gluons in the Standard Model. Clifford algebras display a periodicity of 8.[15]

Group Theory


The lie group E8 is one of 5 exceptional lie groups.[16][17] The order of the smallest non-abelian group whose subgroups are all normal is 8.[citation needed]

List of basic calculations

Multiplication 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
8 × x 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72 80 88 96 104 112 120
Division 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
8 ÷ x 8 4 2.6 2 1.6 1.3 1.142857 1 0.8 0.8 0.72 0.6 0.615384 0.571428 0.53
x ÷ 8 0.125 0.25 0.375 0.5 0.625 0.75 0.875 1 1.125 1.25 1.375 1.5 1.625 1.75 1.875
Exponentiation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
8x 8 64 512 4096 32768 262144 2097152 16777216 134217728 1073741824 8589934592 68719476736 549755813888
x8 1 256 6561 65536 390625 1679616 5764801 16777216 43046721 100000000 214358881 429981696 815730721

In science









  • A disphenoid crystal is bounded by eight scalene triangles arranged in pairs. A ditetragonal prism in the tetragonal crystal system has eight similar faces whose alternate interfacial angles only are equal.


  • Virtually all arachnids, and more generally all chelicerates, have eight legs.[25] Orb-weaver spiders of the cosmopolitan family Areneidae have eight similar eyes.[26]
  • The octopus and its cephalopod relatives in genus Argonauta have eight arms (tentacles).
  • Compound coelenterates of the subclass or order Alcyonaria have polyps with eight-branched tentacles and eight septa.[27]
  • Sea anemones of genus Edwardsia have eight mesenteries.[28]
  • Animals of phylum Ctenophora swim by means of eight meridional bands of transverse ciliated plates, each plate representing a row of large modified cilia.[29]
  • The eight-spotted forester (genus Alypia, family Zygaenidae) is a diurnal moth having black wings with brilliant white spots.
  • The ascus in fungi of the class Ascomycetes, following nuclear fusion, bears within it typically eight ascospores.[30]
  • Herbs of genus Coreopsis (tickseed) have showy flower heads with involucral bracts in two distinct series of eight each.
  • In human adult dentition there are eight teeth in each quadrant.[31] The eighth tooth is the so-called wisdom tooth.
  • There are eight cervical nerves on each side in humans and most mammals.[32]



In technology

NATO signal flag for 8

In measurement


In culture



  • Sailors and civilians alike from the 1500s onward referred to evenly divided parts of the Spanish dollar as "pieces of eight", or "bits".


  • Various types of buildings are usually eight-sided (octagonal), such as single-roomed gazebos[43] and multi-roomed pagodas (descended from stupas; see religion section below).
  • Eight caulicoles rise out of the leafage in a Corinthian capital, ending in leaves that support the volutes.[44]

In religion, folk belief and divination



  • As sourced from the Mahabharata, there are 8 vasus who are given elemental names:[45]
    1. Anala or Agni (fire)
    2. Dhara or Prithvi (earth)
    3. Anila or Vayudeva (wind)
    4. Apa (water)
    5. Prabhasa or Dyauh (sky)
    6. Pratyusha
    7. Soma
    8. Dhruva
  • The goddess of wealth and prosperity, Lakshmi, has eight forms known as Ashta Lakshmi and worshipped as:
    "Maha-lakshmi, Dhana-lakshmi, Dhanya-lakshmi, Gaja-lakshmi,
    Santana-lakshmi, Veera-lakshmi, Vijaya-lakshmi and Vidhya-lakshmi
  • There are eight nidhi, or seats of wealth, according to Hinduism.
  • There are eight guardians of the directions known as Astha-dikpalas.[47]
  • There are eight Hindu monasteries established by the saint Madhvacharya in Udupi, India popularly known as the Ashta Mathas of Udupi.[48]


In Buddhism, the 8-spoked Dharmacakra represents the Noble Eightfold Path.
  • The Dharmacakra, a Buddhist symbol, has eight spokes.[49] The Buddha's principal teaching—the Four Noble Truths—ramifies as the Noble Eightfold Path and the Buddha emphasizes the importance of the eight attainments or jhanas.
  • In Mahayana Buddhism, the branches of the Eightfold Path are embodied by the Eight Great Bodhisattvas: (Manjusri, Vajrapani, Avalokiteśvara, Maitreya, Ksitigarbha, Nivaranavishkambhi, Akasagarbha, and Samantabhadra).[50] These are later (controversially) associated with the Eight Consciousnesses according to the Yogacara school of thought: consciousness in the five senses, thought-consciousness, self-consciousness, and unconsciousness-"consciousness" or "store-house consciousness" (alaya-vijñana). The "irreversible" state of enlightenment, at which point a Bodhisattva goes on "autopilot", is the Eight Ground or bhūmi. In general, "eight" seems to be an auspicious number for Buddhists, e.g., the "eight auspicious symbols" (the jewel-encrusted parasol; the goldfish (always shown as a pair, e.g., the glyph of Pisces); the self-replenishing amphora; the white kamala lotus-flower; the white conch; the eternal (Celtic-style, infinitely looping) knot; the banner of imperial victory; the eight-spoked wheel that guides the ship of state, or that symbolizes the Buddha's teaching). Similarly, Buddha's birthday falls on the 8th day of the 4th month of the Chinese calendar.






The octagram Rub el Hizb





As a lucky number

  • The number eight is considered to be a lucky number in Chinese and other Asian cultures.[65] Eight (; accounting ; pinyin ) is considered a lucky number in Chinese culture because it sounds like the word meaning to generate wealth (發(T) 发(S); Pinyin: ). Property with the number 8 may be valued greatly by Chinese. For example, a Hong Kong number plate with the number 8 was sold for $640,000.[66] The opening ceremony of the Summer Olympics in Beijing started at 8 seconds and 8 minutes past 8 pm (local time) on 8 August 2008.[67]
  • In Pythagorean numerology the number 8 represents victory, prosperity and overcoming.
  • Eight (, hachi, ya) is also considered a lucky number in Japan, but the reason is different from that in Chinese culture.[68] Eight gives an idea of growing prosperous, because the letter () broadens gradually.
  • The Japanese thought of eight (, ya) as a holy number in the ancient times. The reason is less well-understood, but it is thought that it is related to the fact they used eight to express large numbers vaguely such as manyfold (やえはたえ, Yae Hatae) (literally, eightfold and twentyfold), many clouds (やくも, Yakumo) (literally, eight clouds), millions and millions of Gods (やおよろずのかみ, Yaoyorozu no Kami) (literally, eight millions of Gods), etc. It is also guessed that the ancient Japanese gave importance to pairs, so some researchers guess twice as four (, yo), which is also guessed to be a holy number in those times because it indicates the world (north, south, east, and west) might be considered a very holy number.
  • In numerology, 8 is the number of building, and in some theories, also the number of destruction.

In astrology


In music and dance


In film and television


In sports and other games

An 8-ball in pool
  • Eight-ball pool is played with a cue ball and 15 numbered balls, the black ball numbered eight being the middle and most important one, as the winner is the player or side that legally pockets it after first pocketing its numerical group of seven object balls (for other meanings see Eight ball (disambiguation)).
  • In chess, each side has eight pawns and the board is made of 64 squares arranged in an eight by eight lattice. The eight queens puzzle is a challenge to arrange eight queens on the board so that none can capture any of the others.
  • In the game of eights or Crazy Eights, each successive player must play a card either of the same suit or of the same rank as that played by the preceding player, or may play an eight and call for any suit. The object is to get rid of all one's cards first.
  • In association football, the number 8 has historically been the number of the Central Midfielder.
  • In Australian rules football, the top eight teams at the end of the Australian Football League regular season qualify for the finals series (i.e. playoffs).
  • In baseball:
  • In rugby union, the only position without a proper name is the Number 8, a forward position.
  • In rugby league:
    • Most competitions (though not the Super League, which uses static squad numbering) use a position-based player numbering system in which one of the two starting props wears the number 8.
    • The Australia-based National Rugby League has its own 8-team finals series, similar but not identical in structure to that of the Australian Football League.
  • In rowing, an "eight" refers to a sweep-oar racing boat with a crew of eight rowers plus a coxswain.[96]
  • In the 2008 Games of the XXIX Olympiad held in Beijing, the official opening was on 08/08/08 at 8:08:08 p.m. CST.
  • In rock climbing, climbers frequently use the figure-eight knot to tie into their harnesses.
  • The Women's College World Series, the final phase of the NCAA Division I softball tournament, like its men's counterpart in baseball, features eight teams.
  • In curling an 8-point 'Eight Ender' is a perfect end. Each team delivers 8 Stones per end.

In foods

  • Nestlé sells a brand of chocolates filled with peppermint-flavoured cream called After Eight, referring to the time 8 p.m.[97]
  • There are eight vegetables in V8 juice.[98]

In literature

  • Eights may refer to octosyllabic, usually iambic, lines of verse.
  • The drott-kvaett, an Old Icelandic verse, consisted of a stanza of eight regular lines.[99]
  • In Terry Pratchett's Discworld series, eight is a magical number[100] and is considered taboo. Eight is not safe to be said by wizards on the Discworld and is the number of Bel-Shamharoth. Also, there are eight days in a Disc week and eight colours in a Disc spectrum, the eighth one being octarine.
  • Lewis Carroll's poem The Hunting of the Snark has 8 "fits" (cantos), which is noted in the full name "The Hunting of the Snark – An Agony, in Eight Fits".[101]
  • Eight apparitions appear to Macbeth in Act 4 scene 1 of Shakespeare's Macbeth as representations of the eight descendants of Banquo.

In slang


Other uses

  • A figure 8 is the common name of a geometric shape, often used in the context of sports, such as skating.[104] Figure-eight turns of a rope or cable around a cleat, pin, or bitt are used to belay something.[105]

See also



  1. ^ Etymological Dictionary of Turkic Languages: Common Turkic and Interturkic stems starting with letters «L», «M», «N», «P», «S», Vostochnaja Literatura RAS, 2003, 241f. (altaica.ru Archived 31 October 2007 at the Wayback Machine)
  2. ^ the hypothesis is discussed critically (and rejected as "without sufficient support") by Werner Winter, 'Some thought about Indo-European numerals' in: Jadranka Gvozdanović (ed.), Indo-European Numerals, Walter de Gruyter, 1992, 14f.
  3. ^ Georges Ifrah, The Universal History of Numbers: From Prehistory to the Invention of the Computer transl. David Bellos et al. London: The Harvill Press (1998): 395, Fig. 24.68.
  4. ^ Sloane, N. J. A. (ed.). "Sequence A076980 (Leyland numbers)". The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences. OEIS Foundation.
  5. ^ Bryan Bunch, The Kingdom of Infinite Number. New York: W. H. Freeman & Company (2000): 88
  6. ^ Weisstein, Eric W. "Sphenic Number". mathworld.wolfram.com. Retrieved 7 August 2020. ...then every sphenic number n=pqr has precisely eight positive divisors
  7. ^ Weisstein, Eric W. "Octal". mathworld.wolfram.com. Retrieved 7 August 2020.
  8. ^ Weisstein, Eric W. "Octagon". mathworld.wolfram.com. Retrieved 7 August 2020.
  9. ^ Weisstein, Eric W. "Regular Octagon". mathworld.wolfram.com. Retrieved 25 June 2022.
  10. ^ Katz, A (1995). "Matching rules and quasiperiodicity: the octagonal tilings". In Axel, F.; Gratias, D. (eds.). Beyond quasicrystals. Springer. pp. 141–189. doi:10.1007/978-3-662-03130-8_6. ISBN 978-3-540-59251-8.
  11. ^ Freudenthal, H; van der Waerden, B. L. (1947), "Over een bewering van Euclides ("On an Assertion of Euclid")", Simon Stevin (in Dutch), 25: 115–128
  12. ^ Roger Kaufman. "The Convex Deltahedra And the Allowance of Coplanar Faces". The Kaufman Website. Retrieved 25 June 2022.
  13. ^ Weisstein, Eric W. "Cuboctahedron". mathworld.wolfram.com. Retrieved 25 June 2022.
  14. ^ Coxeter, H.S.M. (1973) [1948]. Regular Polytopes (3rd ed.). New York: Dover. pp. 18–19.
  15. ^ Lounesto, Pertti (3 May 2001). Clifford Algebras and Spinors. Cambridge University Press. p. 216. ISBN 978-0-521-00551-7. ...Clifford algebras, contains or continues with two kinds of periodicities of 8...
  16. ^ Wilson, Robert A. (2009). "Octonions and the Leech lattice". Journal of Algebra. 322 (6): 2186–2190. doi:10.1016/j.jalgebra.2009.03.021. MR 2542837.
  17. ^ Conway, John H.; Sloane, N. J. A. (1988). "Algebraic Constructions for Lattices". Sphere Packings, Lattices and Groups. New York, NY: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-1-4757-2016-7. eISSN 2196-9701. ISBN 978-1-4757-2016-7.
  18. ^ Ilangovan, K. (10 June 2019). Nuclear Physics. MJP Publisher. p. 30.
  19. ^ Gell-Mann, M. (15 March 1961). THE EIGHTFOLD WAY: A THEORY OF STRONG INTERACTION SYMMETRY (Technical report). OSTI 4008239.
  20. ^ Baxter, R. J. (5 April 1971). "Eight-Vertex Model in Lattice Statistics". Physical Review Letters. 26 (14): 832–833. Bibcode:1971PhRvL..26..832B. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.26.832.
  21. ^ "Messier Object 8". www.messier.seds.org. Retrieved 7 August 2020.
  22. ^ Thomas, Mary Ann (15 August 2004). Oxygen. The Rosen Publishing Group, Inc. p. 12. ISBN 978-1-4042-0159-0. Knowing that oxygen has an atomic number of 8,
  23. ^ Choppin, Gregory R.; Johnsen, Russell H. (1972). Introductory chemistry. Addison-Wesley Pub. Co. p. 366. ISBN 978-0-201-01022-0. under normal conditions the most stable allotropic form (Fig. 23-8a). Sulfur molecules within the crystal consist of puckered rings of eight sulfur atoms linked by single...
  24. ^ Puri, Basant; Hall, Anne (16 December 1998). Phytochemical Dictionary: A Handbook of Bioactive Compounds from Plants, Second Edition. CRC Press. p. 810. ISBN 978-0-203-48375-6. The chemical structure of lycopene consists of a long chain of eight isoprene units joined head to tail
  25. ^ Parker, Barbara Keevil (28 December 2006). Ticks. Lerner Publications. p. 7. ISBN 978-0-8225-6464-5. Arachnids have eight legs
  26. ^ Jackman, J. A. (1997). A Field Guide to Spiders & Scorpions of Texas. Gulf Publishing Company. p. 70. ISBN 978-0-87719-264-0. Araneids have eight eyes
  27. ^ Fisher, James; Huxley, Julian (1961). The Doubleday Pictorial Library of Nature: Earth, Plants, Animals. Doubleday. p. 311. Polyps with eight branched tentacles and eight septa
  28. ^ Bourne, Gilbert Charles (1911). "Anthozoa" . In Chisholm, Hugh (ed.). Encyclopædia Britannica. Vol. 02 (11th ed.). Cambridge University Press. pp. 97–105, see page 100. Zoantharia.....It is not known whether all the eight mesenteries of Edwardsia are developed simultaneously or not, but in the youngest form which has been studied all the eight mesenteries were present
  29. ^ The Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia: A work of Universal Reference in all Departments of Knowledge with a New Atlas of the World. 1906. p. 1384. ...are radially symmetrical, and swim by means of eight meridional ciliated bands, ...
  30. ^ Parrish, Fred K. (1975). Keys to Water Quality Indicative Organisms of the Southeastern United States. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Research and Development, Environmental Monitoring and Support Laboratory, Biological Methods Branch, Aquatics Biology Section. p. 11. ... the ascospores, are borne in sac like structures termed asci. The ascus usually contains eight as cospores,...
  31. ^ Dofka, Charline M. (1996). Competency Skills for the Dental Assistant. Cengage Learning. p. 83. ISBN 978-0-8273-6685-5. ...In each quadrant of the permanent set of teeth (dentition), there are eight teeth
  32. ^ Quain, Jones (1909). Quain's Elements of Anatomy. Longmans, Green, & Company. p. 52. These eight pairs are usually reckoned as eight cervical nerves ...
  33. ^ Beebe, John (17 June 2016). Energies and Patterns in Psychological Type: The reservoir of consciousness. Routledge. p. 124. ISBN 978-1-317-41366-0. Linda Berens used the term 'cognitive processes' (1999) to refer to the eight types of consciousness that Jung discovered.
  34. ^ "Definition of byte | Dictionary.com". www.dictionary.com. Retrieved 8 August 2020.
  35. ^ Kindem, Gorham; PhD, Robert B. Musburger (21 August 2012). Introduction to Media Production: The Path to Digital Media Production. CRC Press. p. 320. ISBN 978-1-136-05322-1. There used to be two 8 mm formats: standard 8 mm and Super-8 mm.
  36. ^ The Library of Congress Veterans History Project: Field Kit : Conducting and Preserving Interviews. Veterans History Project, American Folklife Center, Library of Congress. 2008. p. 15. Betacam SX 8 mm Hi8, Digital8, Video8 DVD-Video";
  37. ^ "Definition of eight | Dictionary.com". www.dictionary.com. Retrieved 8 August 2020.
  38. ^ Griffiths, Garth (1971). Boating in Canada: Practical Piloting and Seamanship. University of Toronto Press. p. 32. ISBN 978-0-8020-1817-5. First is a stopper knot, the figure of eight, ...
  39. ^ The Milwaukee Cook Book. Press of Houtkamp Printing. 1907.
  40. ^ "Definition of furlong | Dictionary.com". www.dictionary.com. Retrieved 8 August 2020.
  41. ^ "Definition of clove | Dictionary.com". www.dictionary.com. Retrieved 8 August 2020.
  42. ^ Fairhall, David; Peyton, Mike (17 May 2013). Pass Your Yachtmaster. A&C Black. ISBN 978-1-4081-5627-8. Gale warnings will be given if mean wind speeds of force 8 (34–40 knots)
  43. ^ Sayers, William (2003). "Eastern Prospects: Kiosks, Belvederes, Gazebos". Neophilologus. 87 (2): 299–305. doi:10.1023/A:1022691123957. S2CID 159542713.
  44. ^ Halstead, Frank (1927). The Orders of Architecture. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
  45. ^ "Who are the eight vasus?". Hinduism Stack Exchange. Retrieved 19 December 2023.
  46. ^ Hatcher, Brian A. (5 October 2015). Hinduism in the Modern World. Routledge. ISBN 978-1-135-04630-9. a group manifestation of eight forms
  47. ^ Jeyaraj, Daniel (23 September 2004). Genealogy of the South Indian Deities: An English Translation of Bartholomäus Ziegenbalg's Original German Manuscript with a Textual Analysis and Glossary. Routledge. p. 168. ISBN 978-1-134-28703-1. He is one of the eight guardians of the world
  48. ^ Ramachandran, Nirmala (2000). Hindu Heritage. Stamford Lake Publication. p. 72. ISBN 978-955-8733-09-7. The temple has eight monasteries, founded by Madhvacharya
  49. ^ Issitt, Micah; Main, Carlyn (16 September 2014). Hidden Religion: The Greatest Mysteries and Symbols of the World's Religious Beliefs: The Greatest Mysteries and Symbols of the World's Religious Beliefs. ABC-CLIO. p. 186. ISBN 978-1-61069-478-0. The dharmachakra is typically depicted with eight spokes,
  50. ^ Hay, Jeff (6 March 2009). World Religions. Greenhaven Publishing LLC. p. 61. ISBN 978-0-7377-4627-3. The focus of ordinary believers' religious life is on following a relevant version of the Eightfold Path ...
  51. ^ Rosten, Leo (14 April 2010). The New Joys of Yiddish: Completely Updated. Potter/Ten Speed/Harmony/Rodale. p. 48. ISBN 978-0-307-56604-1. Brit Milah is observed on a boy's eighth day of life
  52. ^ Ross, Kathy (1 August 2012). Crafts for Hanukkah. Millbrook Press. p. 7. ISBN 978-0-7613-6836-6. Hanukkah is an eight-day Jewish holiday
  53. ^ Axelrod, Cantor Matt (24 December 2013). Your Guide to the Jewish Holidays: From Shofar to Seder. Rowman & Littlefield. p. 58. ISBN 978-0-7657-0990-5. Shemini Atzeret—literally, "the eighth day of assembly"
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  56. ^ Livingstone (2001). Life Application New Testament Commentary. Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. ISBN 978-0-8423-7066-0.
  57. ^ Mahmutćehajić, Rusmir (2011). Maintaining the Sacred Center: The Bosnian City of Stolac. World Wisdom, Inc. p. 201. ISBN 978-1-935493-91-4. ... at the last, eight Angels will carry the Throne...
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  59. ^ Little, Stephen; Eichman, Shawn; Shipper, Kristofer; Ebrey, Patricia Buckley (1 January 2000). Taoism and the Arts of China. University of California Press. p. 139. ISBN 978-0-520-22785-9. Evidence for the early use of the Eight Trigrams in a religious Taoist...
  60. ^ Ho, Peter Kwok Man; Kwok, Man-Ho; O'Brien, Joanne (1990). The Eight Immortals of Taoism: Legends and Fables of Popular Taoism. Meridian. p. 7. ISBN 978-0-452-01070-3. ...famous Eight Immortals of China...
  61. ^ Zimmermann, Denise; Gleason, Katherine; Liguana, Miria (2006). The Complete Idiot's Guide to Wicca and Witchcraft. Penguin. p. 172. ISBN 978-1-59257-533-6. There are eight Sabbats
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